Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Early Results

For a couple of days now Johnny has been running to the bathroom and trying to climb onto the toilet if he needs to wee when he's asked. We're still only catching the morning wee and maybe one more per day, but that's two nappies saved.

On Saturday after his nap I tried to rush him onto the toilet but he did not produce. We then went back to the bed to snuggle and nurse and after a few minutes he popped up, pointed to the bathroom and said "da." We ran off and popped him on the toilet and he made a wee! Very proud mommy indeed.

Later when he started to poo Kurt grabbed him midway and popped him onto the toilet to finish the job. Very proud wife!

Sunday I sat him on the toilet when I noticed the first signs of poo and after more than five minutes of happy playing atop the throne he got a look of utter terror (many smiles and "good jobs" and "it's okays" from me) and then produced. He brightened up so I thought he was done, got him off, wiped his bum and let him run naked to the kitchen for his bath. Unfortunately while it was running he started to squat again and in the dash to the loo we had a few logs on the floor.

This morning after a wee on the toilet Johnny had a rather shifty look (knock-knees, etc.) and while I was having a wee he asked to come up. I thought he wanted cuddles, but the wet undies we discovered soon after revealed another missed cue. At least now I know what to look for and the small boy is giving notice of the need to go. Good boy!

Daycare were surprisingly cool about his y-fronts with soaker, so once they start to catch the poos hopefully they'll be okay with moving to undies. I don't think they're putting him on the toilet very often, but I'm not going to press the issue until we're having more success at home. I put him on every time I visit at lunchtime and he's more than happy to sit there now.

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