Friday, 18 July 2008

Really coming together now

I'm not sure if the dodgy tummy from the antibiotics for ten days gave him practice or if he's just getting the hang of things, but it's really going great lately. There was a 3:30am toilet break earlier this week, which resulted in a Wide Awake Boy, half an hour of comfort nursing, another wee, and then cuddles with Daddy which took all of 2 minutes to result in a sleeping boy. He even started asking at daycare yesterday, but so far only Ms Ashley pays any attention to his toilet cues there. What's amazing is that it has been chaos there for the past three weeks with them back in the infant room, rearranged, with 12 kids. Yowzers.

My favourite first of this week, however, was when Daddy was still in the shower when he had to "wee wee" so we went outside with Inja and he watered the pumpkins. He was a little hesitant at first, but got into the swing of things amidst all the praise.

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