Sunday, 21 September 2008

A bit of a regression this weekend...

... and I mean me, of course, not him. I've had to clean up a few puddles because I've asked if he needs to wee, and of course he's answered "no" because that's the only answer he gives to question. "Do you love mommy?" --No. "Would you like a cuddle?" --No. "Is there any reason Daddy shouldn't roast you on a spit and feed your bones to Inja?" --No. "Do you need to wee?" --No. I say I've regressed because in the past I wouldn't have taken no for an answer, or even asked a question, I would've said "Let's go make a wee." I suppose my excuse is I'm a little tired and I've been taking advantage of the fact that for the first time, he is amusing himself without burning the house down. I even got to unpack the dishwasher and clean the kitchen yesterday while Kurt had a lie-in!

I was taken a bit by surprise when he was in his nappy ready for his nap and playing with his toilet toys in the lounge and made a poo. Grunt grunt... "Are you making a poo?" --No.

1 comment:

Slugs On The Refrigerator said...

do we have the same child and husband? We were in Dublin this past weekend and all E could say was "No!". Do you want to go to the park? - No. Do you want a piece of mummy's cake? -No. Do you want to go play on the beach? -No. It drives me crazy!!!

Oh and Kev is always in bed when I am cleaning! Grrr men!
