Thursday 2 October 2008

Teething regression

I cleaned up two puddles yesterday (one in the morning, the other in the evening) and Johnny came home from nursery with two bags of soggy clothes. I already cleaned up one puddle today, but that's probably because he had a massive wee in his nappy just before waking up, which leaked and wet the bed, so I didn't put him on the toilet when we woke up. I'm sure it's not helping that h is becoming very forthright with "NO!" but then toilet training isn't a race, is it?

Nevertheless, I'm blaming it all on the two molars about to erupt through his bottom jaw. He was positively charming at bedtime last night, but woke up three times before we went to bed (got drugs on the last one) and then nursed all night long, which he did the night before, too. This morning, after stripping him down to the buff, we lay snuggling and he took my finger and shoved it into his mouth so he could have a good chew on it. Thanks, Johnny, but Mommy already got the memo. Anyway, if he doesn't want to spend time sitting on the toilet while his teeth hurt, I suppose that's his prerogative, isn't it?

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